The Southsider is expanding our coverage! We now have categories on Civic Governance, Community Voices, Local History, and Recreation & Environment. See below for a brief introduction to each section.
Civic Governance
While maintaining our coverage of South Bethlehem arts and culture, we also want to highlight the many organizations that help run the city at large. This section of The Southsider will offer insight into political affairs, such as coverage of town council meetings. We plan to also provide background information on individuals running for local office and on entities like the Chamber of Commerce. We hope that all of Bethlehem’s engaged citizens find this new element of the site informative and useful.
Community Voices
Have you ever encountered a stranger who left you wanting to know more about their story? Or, perhaps you have a story of your own that you want to share with your neighbors and greater South Bethlehem community. This section of The Southsider serves to connect individuals through personal narratives. We will spotlight Southside residents who work here, live here, and thrive here. We hope to feature the stories of young and old–what is it like to attend Charter Arts? How does it feel to live in this city for your whole life and see it change? These are the stories we’re after.
Local History
Though the Moravians settled near Monocacy Creek on Christmas Eve 1741, the borough of South Bethlehem was established following the Civil War. Locals and visitors alike know there’s a lot of history here, but do we know the intricacies of those histories? The pasts of spaces and places? The lasting impact of industry and migration? The fascinating stories of those who walked before us? You may not, and so The Southsider provides a space for collecting such pieces of history.
Here, you’ll find articles and other content on local history, specific to Bethlehem’s Southside. Reportage includes anything from coverage of events at the National Museum of Industrial History to South Bethlehem Historical Society happenings. In this section, we want to unearth the histories buried in building development, highlight the many experiences of our Bethlehem Steel legacy, and expand on the important work organizations are already doing. And more!
Recreation & Environment
For those who live and/or work on the Southside, there’s also play. Many annual events, such as the Southside Arts & Music Festival or Step Outdoors Lehigh Valley, celebrate the fun of South Bethlehem. There are also the more everyday recreational spaces that allow us to unwind from the 9-5 work grind and invite children to play. They range from the Yasko pool, the Skateplaza, the Saucon park (and the closure of Saucon pool), Lynfield Community Center, and more.
Oftentimes, our recreational activities require outdoor spaces, which prompts questions about South Bethlehem’s environmental health. What’s happening locally that addresses issues such as global warming, waste disposal, and water pollution? The Southsider wants to highlight the big events centered around play and sport alongside our community’s important environmental concerns.
Want to contribute to our growing site?
To contribute to The Southsider or inform us of upcoming events, contact us at [email protected] or using the form below: