“The American Dream:” A Poem by Milo Wilson

“The American Dream” I woke up today in the dark…  Where other people’s words were clouding my judgement…  Where every mirror was either blacked out or shattered…  To them my wounds don’t matter as long as they can keep their stature…  I WOKE UP TODAY… IN THE DARK..  I couldn’t feel my heart..beat As I…

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Bradbury-Sullivan Queer Poetry Group Discusses Danez Smith’s “Don’t Call Us Dead”

On Thursday, July 23, people from the Lehigh Valley and Philadelphia came together over Zoom to share their insights and reactions to Danez Smith’s powerful and haunting poetry collection, Don’t Call Us Dead. The Queer Poetry Reading Group discussion was hosted by the Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center, and sponsored in part by the Lehigh Valley…

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Dana Gioia Captures Life in a Poem

Reading a poem can be an individualistic experience. The imagined pitch of the narrator’s tone, the length of the pause at a carefully placed comma, the speed with which the lines flow from one into the next are all determined by our own voice as we consider the artful collection of lines on the page…

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