“Embracing My Melanin” Spoken Word Performance:
“Embracing My Melanin” Lyrics
The Black beauty my mother created, The melanin that flows through my thick colored brown veins, I’m proud to call myself a Black beauty queen. But I have no other worries about my skin, other then u know being bashed, lynched, dragged, or even a knee in my neck. Is my skin that much of a threat? Do my actions get me beaten or even shot dead? Is that what we deserve? But, I embrace who I am because my ancestors fought for me to be able... To live with my head high no matter the negative corners I turn. I AM A BLACK BEAUTIFUL MELANIN-FILLED QUEEN AND YOU CAN'T CHANGE ME.
About Nasheera Brown
Nasheera Brown is a local social activist at only the age of 16. She has been a part of the BLM Movement in the Lehigh Valley and has been a strong voice for policing in schools and safer space for youth in the Lehigh Valley. She hopes to continue doing this work for the rest of her life. Her perseverance and strength is shown is her work and her activism.